The History of Wyre Forest Study Group
The Wyre Forest Study Group was established in 1991. We are a group of people who bring to the forest and its surroundings our enthusiasm for its wildlife and ecology and a wide range of expertise.
We undertake and participate in surveys of particular species or groups, directed at increasing understanding of their status and distribution, reporting to national bodies, publishing results, and contributing to planning for management to conserve and enhance habitats.
Our regular field days are used for study of selected areas, for targeted observations, and for more general recording. We maintain facilities for gathering information and further study. All records from group fieldwork and from members individually are exchanged with local county Records Centres, and those from the wider public are included.
We welcome naturalists from further afield to our activities, and benefit from their expertise. We provide a supportive framework within which students and people planning careers in conservation and ecology can conduct their own projects.
Donated Website Hosting Services – with special thanks to Brixly.UK
Home Page soundtrack; 60 Minutes of Woodland Birds reproduced by kind permission – Charles Vald
The Nature of Wyre
The Nature of Wyre is the definitive, collaborative work bringing the natural history of the Wyre Forest, from its geology to its fascinating flora and fauna, to a sumptuously illustrated volume. Recently re-printed.
Written by local naturalists, and more than 10 years in the making, this is one of the most authoritative sources of information for those wishing to learn about and understand something of the complex ecology of one of England’s largest ancient woodlands.
Available for sale now. Mail to: