Toad on a Stool

Toad on a Stool

Wyre Forest Study Group 11 November, 2020 Toad on a Stool On a walk in Wyre recently I spotted a nibbled Funnel Cap toadstool, so stopped to search underneath for the elusive Lemon Slug. Under the leaves I found this tiny young toad so carefully popped it on top of...
Meadow Cranesbill

Meadow Cranesbill

Wyre Forest Study Group 15 October, 2020 Meadow Cransbill – Geranium pratense It is good to see that there are still a few plants in flower in October like this Meadow Cranesbill found down by the River Severn near Blackstone on a sunny autumn day    ...
Rove Beetle – Staphylinus olens

Rove Beetle – Staphylinus olens

Wyre Forest Study Group 28 September, 2020 Rove Beetle – Staphylinus olens The ferocious looking Rove Beetle (Staphylinus olens), commonly known as the Devil’s Coach Horse, isn’t slow in showing that it means business! When caught out in the open it will often...


Wyre Forest Study Group 3          October, 2020 Waxcaps – It’s autumn and grassland fungi are beginning to appear! Pink Waxcaps are an indicator species for what could be a special site for fungi, and if this is found it is worth returning to see what else...
Cygnets hitching a lift.

Cygnets hitching a lift.

Wyre Forest Study Group 11            June, 2020 Cygnets hitching a lift – Whilst walking along the riverside near Bewdley, Rosemary Winnall spotted a female Mute Swan swimming upstream with her 3 small cygnets swimming alongside. As she watched, the cygnets...
Pearls of delight

Pearls of delight

Wyre Forest Study Group 31 May, 2020 Pearls of delight   This year the flight of Pearl-bordered Fritillary butterflies and Small Pearl-bordered Fritillaries have overlapped and they have been flying together in the hot sunshine. This has given us a chance to look...
Displaying Goldcrest

Displaying Goldcrest

Wyre Forest Study Group 16 May, 2020 Displaying Goldcrest     The very loud urgent singing above my head attracted my attention to this determined little male Goldcrest that was trying hard to impress a female that was intend on feeding near by. She didn’t...
Cranefly – Tanyptera atrata

Cranefly – Tanyptera atrata

Wyre Forest Study Group 12 May, 2020 Cranefly -Tanyptera atrata     Susan Limbrey was surprised to see this impressive cranefly in her greenhouse at The Newalls in Far Forest. It is a male Tanyptera atrata and the Wyre Forest is a hotspot for this attractive...
Emperor Moth – Saturnia pavania

Emperor Moth – Saturnia pavania

Wyre Forest Study Group 20 April, 2020 Emperor Moth – Saturnia pavonia   Mary Singleton was delighted to see 2 male Emperor Moths coming to her pheromone lure which she’d hung from her washing line in her Bewdley garden. She recorded them on 20th April 2020...