Rapturous Raptors

Rapturous Raptors

Wyre Forest Study Group Feb 11, 2022 Rapturous Raptors over the marsh     A single female Kestrel had been observed and recorded regularly over the past 12 months on the Wilden Marsh SSSI. She would often sit high on a powerline strung between pylons,...
Pied Flycatchers in Wyre

Pied Flycatchers in Wyre

Wyre Forest Study Group May/June, 2021 Pied Flycatchers in Wyre –   It is good to know that Pied Flycatchers returned to the Wyre Forest again this year to breed in the nest boxes provided. Mick Farmer managed to successfully photograph a male collecting insects...
A return after an absense of 8000 years?

A return after an absense of 8000 years?

Wyre Forest Study Group 21 May, 2021 A return after an absense of 8000 years? – After many rumors and false starts, it was finally possible to observe and photograph the incredulous sight of a terrapin. Sightings of this individual had been reported, often with...


Wyre Forest Study Group 9 May, 2021 Waterscorpion – Nepa cinerea – It’s difficult not to be impressed with the formidable nature of the Waterscorpion – Nepa cinerea, an accomplished predator often found in shallow, still water. They are poor...


Wyre Forest Study Group 17 April, 2021 Toothwort – Lathraea squamaria – On Saturday 17th April 2021 six members of the WFSG went on the postponed winter bird walk, but we don’t only look for birds! After our lunch stop near Arley we spotted Toothwort...
Common Whitlowgrass  – Erophila verna

Common Whitlowgrass – Erophila verna

Wyre Forest Study Group 9 March, 2021 Common Whitlowgrass  – Erophila verna – I recently came across a large carpet of these tiny spring flowers growing on a dry bare trackway. These plants, only a few centimetres tall, flower and fruit by April, and are...


Wyre Forest Study Group 23 January, 2021 SPRING IS COMING! – Spring is coming soon we trust, although winter is hanging on with more snow falling this week. But Great Tits are singing, Song Thrush males are proclaiming their territories and Winter Aconites and...
Holding On

Holding On

Wyre Forest Study Group 24 October, 2020 Holding On – I passed this Hazel tree growing near Dowles Brook recently and was reminded about the many difficulties we’ve experienced in 2020 when the ground seems to have been taken from under our feet and there...