Gorse Shieldbugs – Piezodorus lituratus

Gorse Shieldbugs – Piezodorus lituratus

Wyre Forest Study Group 19 April, 2019 Gorse Shieldbugs – Piezodorus lituratus Gorse Shieldbugs (Piezodorus lituratus) overwinter as adults and emerge on sunny spring days when they may be found basking on gorse, often well camouflaged amongst the spines and old...
Galls in Bracket Fungus

Galls in Bracket Fungus

Wyre Forest Study Group 13 April, 2019 Galls on Bracket Fungus The Artist’s Bracket Ganoderma applanatum is not uncommon on trees in the Wyre Forest, but these fascinating galls on the underside that John Bingham showed us are rarely found. They are caused by the...
New Woodlouse for Wyre!

New Woodlouse for Wyre!

Wyre Forest Study Group 23 March, 2019 New Woodlouse for Wyre! Whilst most of us were watching toads spawning on our field meeting on 23rd March 2019, Gary Farmer was digging and delving amongst the leaf litter where he found something very special. This was the...
Laceweb Spider

Laceweb Spider

Wyre Forest Study Group 23 March, 2019 Laceweb Spider (Coelotes spp) Andrew Curran spotted this large Laceweb Spider under a stone in Town Coppice. It is likely to be Coelotes atropus. The female builds a tunnel-shaped web in which she lays her eggs. The spiderlings...
Toads Breeding

Toads Breeding

Wyre Forest Study Group 23 March, 2019 Toads breeding As the frogs finish spawning, the toads move into their breeding ponds to lay their spawn. The adults, often in amplexus (the male hitching a ride on top of the female so that he is ready to fertilise the eggs when...