Female Hazel flower

Female Hazel flower

Wyre Forest Study Group 27 Feb  2024 Female Hazel Flower – Corylus avellana February is the time of year when the male flowers of Hazel, the long bunches of flowers we know as catkins, are frequently seen. But, the smaller female flower is rather less obvious...


Wyre Forest Study Group 17 April, 2021 Toothwort – Lathraea squamaria – On Saturday 17th April 2021 six members of the WFSG went on the postponed winter bird walk, but we don’t only look for birds! After our lunch stop near Arley we spotted Toothwort...
Miniature pillars and capstones

Miniature pillars and capstones

Wyre Forest Study Group 6 November, 2019 Miniature pillars and capstones in sand   Landforms are not always seen at the grand scale; it is necessary to look closely to see small ones. Where large stones exist in an easily erodible sediment it is possible for...